Canon FD-X TLS Rehoused 18mm T1.6 FF Lens Hire

Canon FD-X TLS Rehoused 18mm T1.6 FF Lens Hire


1 x Front Lens Cap FD-X TLS 18mm
1 x Back Lens Cap

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Canon FD-X 18mm T1.6, which is a great match to the K35s, and unlike the 18mm K35, the FD-X covers full frame sensors. This 18mm especially was designed as a unicorn lens using a Canon FD 24mm f/1.4 L and Angenieux .75x Wide Angle Front Element.  Perfect lens to give you that extra wide lens for a K-35 set so if you want the K35 look, and the field of view of 18mm on a large format sensor, the 18mm T1.6 FD-X is the only option.

  • -New circular iris design

  • -Less than 10" minimum object distance.

  • -143mm common front ring diameter.

  • -PL mount; back focus adjustable with standard shims.

  • -Covers full frame sensors.

  • Common focus and iris gear positions relative to mount flange, same as K35's and FD's.